Unlike generic air purifier filters that try to do a little bit of everything (and do nothing well), Mila offers 7 unique filters to address the specific needs of air breathers.
Which one are you?
Filter specs at a glance.
Curious about what goes into each filter? This handy chart is for you.
 |  |  |
 | HEPA Filter | Carbon Filter |
 | HEPA ClassHEPA Efficiency | Carbon BlendCarbon Weight |
The Basic Breather | H1299.6% | N/AN/A |
The Big Sneeze | H1399.97% | N/AN/A |
The Rookie Parent | H1299.6% | Pure Granular Carbon0.70 lb (318g) |
![]() | H1399.97% | Modified Granular Carbon0.84 lb (381g) |
The Home Wrecker | H1299.6% | Modified Granular Carbon1.96 lb (889g) |
The Mama-to-Be | H1499.995% | Pure Granular Carbon0.70 lb (318g) |
![]() | H1499.995% | Modified Granular Carbon1.25 lb (567g) |
 |  |
*The Critter Cuddler also comes with a Mila Sock.
Proven filter performance.
At Mila we believe in total transparency and are happy to share the results of our filter tests.
In creating our filters, we ran each one in test chambers filled with all sorts of nasties to evaluate performance and optimize the design. Here’s where each filter netted out:
 |  |
 | The Basic BreatherThe Big SneezeThe Rookie ParentThe Critter CuddlerThe Home WreckerThe Mama-to-BeThe Overreactor |
Cadr(m3/hr) | Cadr(m3/hr)460412386350308262265 |
Tvoc Removal Rate60mins, 9 VOC types | Tvoc Removal Rate60mins, 9 VOC typesN/AN/A74.85%75.56%92.81%92.48%97.89% |
Formaldehydefurniture | FormaldehydefurnitureN/AN/A45.40%34.00%95.60%48.8%*96.60% |
Ammoniapet odor | Ammoniapet odorN/AN/A21.52%*75.60%31.20%*4.80%17.20% |
BenzeneCleaning supplies, tobacco smoke | BenzeneCleaning supplies, tobacco smokeN/AN/A78.57%75.00%91.02%92.98%96.94% |
Toluenepaint, detergents | Toluenepaint, detergentsN/AN/A76.39%77.33%94.86%94.80%98.99% |
Butyl Acetatehouseholds odors | Butyl Acetatehouseholds odorsN/AN/A75.58%76.40%93.79%93.33%98.49% |
N-undecanecooking and food odors | N-undecanecooking and food odorsN/AN/A75.34%76.92%93.33%92.47%98.06% |
Ethylbenzenepaint, varnishes, cleaning supplies | Ethylbenzenepaint, varnishes, cleaning suppliesN/AN/A74.68%75.61%92.96%92.20%98.00% |
P-xyleneoupaint, adhesives, permanent markers | P-xyleneoupaint, adhesives, permanent markersN/AN/A73.97%76.00%93.47%92.76%98.24% |
M-xylenepaint, adhesives, permanent markers | M-xylenepaint, adhesives, permanent markersN/AN/A74.68%75.31%93.25%92.56%98.13% |
O-xylenepaint, adhesives, permanent markers | O-xylenepaint, adhesives, permanent markersN/AN/A74.30%73.61%92.60%91.95%97.89% |
Styreneprinters, rubber flooring, insulation | Styreneprinters, rubber flooring, insulationN/AN/A70.00%71.43%88.52%89.03%96.10% |
Easy replacement just 2x/year.
You can expect Mila filters to last 6 months, depending on your use. We make replacement easy with our Auto-Refill program: Subscribe at checkout and get filters sent to you every 6 months, automatically. Your first filter is free and you can cancel any time.
Put a sock 🧦 on it.
Want to extend your filter life even further? We gave Mila washable “socks” that work as a pre-filter to capture larger particles. They’re easy to wash and reuse with each new filter you get.
FAQs for geeks.
What’s up with all the different choices?
Filters are one of the most important components of any air purifier design, and one we’ve spent a considerable amount of time optimizing for. Our approach at Mila is to give you the right performance for your needs. When choosing a filter, it’s important to consider the size of the space, the filter’s overall efficiency, and ultimately, the goals you hope to achieve.
How can a filter with higher efficiency have a lower CADR?
Every filter has a tradeoff between the level of first pass efficiency (how much it filters) and the associated pressure drop (how restricted the airflow becomes). Both are crucial to an air purifier’s overall performance but are inversely correlated; as filters become more efficient, the filter media becomes more restrictive, which forces air to work harder to flow through. This reduces the volume of air that can be filtered over a given amount of time, which affects the size of room they can effectively filter. For example, a brick wall is a 100% efficient filter that will give you a CADR of 0.
What the heck is a VOC?
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compounds that easily become vapors or gasses. They are released from burning fossil fuels as well as outgassing from consumer products, plastics, paints, furnitures, carpets, etc. However, studies have shown that up to 60% of indoor VOCs are emitted by humans (from your breath, sweat and personal care products). A simple rule is if you can smell it ... it’s a VOC :). HEPA filters are designed to filter ultra-fine particulates - not gasses. The best media for filtering VOCs and odors, or “gas-phase filtration”, has consistently proven to be granular activated carbon. It “absorbs” the VOCs onto the surface of the media. Consumer-grade VOC sensors are unfortunately still not precise enough to detect what the exact VOC chemical is, they only can detect “something” is there.
How did you run your filter tests?
Our VOC tests are done over 60 minute intervals in a 1,059-cubic-feet (30 m3) test chamber (using the GBT 18883-2002 standard). The “TVOC Removal Rate” (Total VOC Removal Rate) includes all 9 chemicals in the test chamber at the same time but we have tested each individually. Our CADR tests are done in 20 minute intervals to determine the particulate volume each filter can effectively process in a standard 1,008-cubic-foot (28.5 m3) test chamber.
Where can I purchase standalone Mila filters from?
Individual Mila filters can be purchased here. Any of our seven filters will work with your Mila unit.